
Staying Organized! Top 3 Office Organization Tools

Being new to the C-Line team, I have found myself having to take on new and different tasks than I have at previous jobs. In order to stayed organized still remain efficient while still learning; I rely on many systems for organization. Top 3 Office Organizers
  1. Write-on Project FoldersWrite-One Project Folders – When working on a project, no matter how long- or short-term, I always accumulate a lot of notes, emails, papers and more that I need to go back to time and time again. When that happens, I take out a new Write-On Project Folder, label it with the project title, such “60th Anniversary”, and I am good to go. When finished, I can just file the folder away in my drawer, just like any other folder, and still have the label visible for quick access when I need it.
  2. Post-it Notes – Really, come to think of it, who wouldn’t be lost at their desk without Post-It Notes?!? I love these things and use them for everything from jotting down quick notes during a phone call to leaving reminders for myself for the next day. And I have all sizes too – from small pale yellow 1" x 2” notes to gigantic neon 4” x 6” notes.
  3. Outlook Tasks and Calendar – Before I had Outlook for email, I was writing down multiple to-do lists daily, as well as keeping two separate calendars (one on my desk, one in my personal planner). I would always write something down in one place, but not copy over into the other. And, what good is knowing that you have an appointment somewhere if you forget to check the (right) calendar? Now, I keep everything in one convenient space that I check frequently – my Outlook email program. With the calendar, I set-up meetings with co-workers, schedule due dates, and even sync my calendar to my husband’s, which I know he loves! When I have something important coming up, a reminder pops up on my screen to let me know. And when a task is past due, it turns red, which I absolutely hate seeing, and it forces me to prioritize to get the task completed. And my manager loves it as well, as he’s always sending me tasks to do. It keeps our department running smoothly and on the same track.
So that’s it, the secrets to my organization (and thus, my sanity) at work. If you have a hard time keeping organized, try just one of these tips and see the difference. Have another organization tip to share, leave me a comment!

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